An Unexpected Package Left In A Woman’s Oven Transformed Her Life

By: Lauren Wurth | Published: Oct 10, 2023

Have you ever had a bad moment in your life or an event that changed the course of everything you had planned? Everyone has had bad experiences, but unfortunately, some of us go through the unimaginable at the worst of times. Amanda was speechless when she saw three men walk around her messy kitchen. In such little time, so much had happened. 

 Still, this was the oddest moment of a drama-riddled past five weeks. Everything she had built up to this point in her life seemed pointless. She couldn’t hold back her tears and felt a lot of shame that her chaotic life was being broadcasted to the world. She couldn’t help but wonder, was she being subjected to a cruel joke? Read on to find out what happened to Amanda.

The Beginning

John and Amanda had a seemingly perfect life. They had recently bought a house that took two years to renovate. John had a well-paying job, and Amanda was an avid home keeper with fabulous DIY and gardening skills. As a result, their house was always spotless and decorated beautifully.  



All that was missing was a child. The couple had fertility issues but were resilient and never stopped trying. After three years, their wish was finally granted. They were confident that a baby was the last element that would complete their already loving home. 


All Was Well

With everything going according to plan, Amanda was confident that her family life would improve. She knew her husband also wanted a baby as much as she did. And even though they didn’t have the easiest time over the last few years, it would be worth it. 



The renovations were almost finished. Amanda was 36 weeks pregnant, and her overall happiness was rising. She was full of excitement and expectation. She would’ve never expected that one day she would wake up and her perfect life would be gone. 

Shattered Dreams

It’s a great betrayal when someone makes you believe everything is going well, only to pull the rug under you at the last minute. John was an exemplary husband, he was caring and loving, and he never showed discontent toward Amanda. But one day, he left without explanation. 



How could it be that the same man that showed so much support would one day devastate all of her dreams? All she wanted was a lovely family, to raise her baby with a supporting father, and endure any hardships they encountered, no matter how difficult. But this wasn’t going to be the case. 

Out Of The Blue

John left with little explanation—something Amanda would’ve never expected from the loving man she had married four years prior. With the advancing pregnancy, everything was happening so fast. He simply packed up his belongings and closed the door behind him, unwilling to clarify the motivations behind his actions.  


Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Now the bills for the renovations were adding up, her health was in strife, and any optimism Amanda had was gone. It was a nightmare, except it was happening in real life, and she couldn’t seem to find comfort in anything.  

No Future

The couple had invested their earnings in their dream house. They had hired construction workers, chosen wallpapers, and picked colors. They aspired for a future together. So how could it be that the man of her life was abandoning her at the peak of their wait? Within only a few more weeks, they would welcome a newborn baby. 


She had never noticed her husband’s unhappiness, which made the betrayal even more gut-wrenching. Her head was full of questions she couldn’t find the answer to. Why hadn’t he said anything? How long had he thought about leaving her? Why now? 



But sitting in despair wouldn’t bring him back. Her next steps would decide the outcome of her immediate future. All she could think about was how she could’ve tried harder—she racked her memory for a reason—anything—to explain what was happening.

Source: Alamy

Clueless, Amanda could only do one thing, ask for help. There’s nothing like friendship in situations of calamity, and Anna had always proven to be of great comfort in moments of distress. But, unfortunately, this time, the problem was on another level.  


A Call

After pulling herself together, Amanda dialed a familiar number, holding back her tears. She didn’t want her best friend Anna to realize things were worse than they seemed—even if they were. As Anna walked up to the front door, she noticed that the front garden, where beautiful flowers usually grew, had entirely withered.


This raised Anna’s suspicion. She knew her friend would never leave her plants unattended and was worried someone had vandalized the front garden. But, little did she know that the garden would be the least of her problems. She knocked to the beat of their favorite song, but when her friend answered the door, she was taken aback. 


Unexpected Face

Amanda was known in her group of friends as being the one that was ready for anything. Her makeup was always on point, and her hair was never messy. Her clothes were ironed and always smelled nice. So it was a surprise when Anna looked at her friend this time. What happened?


Her eyes had dark circles around them, and mascara remained on her eyelashes, her cheeks were puffy, and her hair was tied in an undone bun. This wasn’t like her at all! Anna immediately hugged and comforted her friend. She asked the dreaded question: “Where’s John?”


The Unavoidable Truth 

As expected, Amanda burst into tears. As her dear friend held her, she tried explaining what had happened, but the sobs made her words incomprehensible. Until she finally calmed down and could recapitulate the past few days’ events. It was terrible.


“After trying to make a family for three years, John has left me. It’s over, and I don’t know what to do.” Anna gave Amanda a tender hug. It had been a mortifying time for Amanda, and the worst was only about to unfold. Anna couldn’t believe it.


Never Alone

Anna promised not to leave Amanda unattended, and she helped her dear friend keep up on her feet. However, Amanda’s depression was severe, and it was challenging to cope with the void John had left behind. It was all so unfair. 


Amanda was unable to get up from bed, and she would only do so to use the toilet or move around the house when her pregnancy cramps made it unbearable to lie down. She hadn’t stepped outside for weeks. There was no hope for the sadness she had fallen into. 



Anna went to great lengths to support her dear friend. Like anyone that genuinely cares, she made sure Amanda had everything she needed—from cooking her favorite meals to encouraging her to shower. She painted her nails and combed her hair while Amanda lay in bed, unable to cope with the harsh realities of life. 

Source: Huffpost

Although Anna’s intentions were good, she felt she wasn’t advancing as fast as necessary, Amanda would give birth soon, and things would probably only get more challenging for her. Anna also had a life of her own and needed to find a way to support her friend. So she came up with a brilliant plan.


The Plan

Anna reached out for help, and within a matter of days, her plan was on track. Now she only had to convince Amanda to get out of bed and come with her. Although gloomily, Amanda complied. She got into the shower and left the house for the first time in weeks.

Source: KyleandJackieO/Youtube

Suddenly, they were stepping into a live studio full of people. Amanda panicked, and with her already shocked face, she glanced at Anna, who was just sitting there, smiling sweetly. What have you done? What on earth is going on?


A Step Ahead

Anna didn’t betray her friend, but Amanda had no way of knowing that. She was incapable of doing any harm to anyone. What she had done, though, was get the ball rolling on changing Amanda’s life forever.

Source: KyleandJackieO/Youtube

Anna held Amanda’s hand, trying to let her know everything was ok. She encouraged her to open up and tell her side of the story. Amanda was unsure but did as she was told. She revealed details of the story that hadn’t been disclosed to anyone, and with that, she started to feel some relief.


Letting It All Out

All of a sudden, Amanda was opening up to a group of strangers about her situation. It was strange how things were developing, and she still didn’t understand what was happening. They asked her some questions about her life, but everything was vague until they asked her to look at the monitor behind her.

Source: Youtube

The image was initially unfamiliar; two men and two women were entering a house. Everything seemed messy and untidy, the kitchen was pure chaos, but slowly she made sense of the video. It was her own home! What were these strangers in her safe place?


Blind Trust

It all felt like a bad dream; she lost all trust in her dear friend in a matter of seconds. A hundred questions popped into Amanda’s head. Was this one of those distasteful prank shows? Was John behind all of this? Hadn’t he done enough harm already?

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

She could only weep. She was unable to say anything. Everyone at the studio seemed to hold back a smile, which made her distrust them more. She had blindly trusted Anna and regretted letting her into her life at such a vulnerable time. How could she be so foolish?


A Proper Mess

Meanwhile, on the monitor, the men continued to walk into the house; they walked past the living room, where piles of boxes and trash bags were scattered about. They had been like that for a few weeks now since John left. He had promised to help Amanda arrange the things from their previous apartment together.

Source: KyleandJackieO/Y outube

But now, their things were just an unappealing mountain of junk. There was a mattress leaning against a wall, and everything was covered by dust. She couldn’t possibly bring herself to clean up the house since her husband had left her, since she had been left in financial ruin.


The Oven

As she watched the group of people roam her home, her sobs decreased; she was still in shock and unsure of what she was seeing. Her kitchen was so dirty. She felt so self-conscious about the state of her house, knowing that this was all being transmitted to millions of strangers. 


One of the men opened the oven door. This was the moment—her face went blank. All of her doubts and fears froze. She finally understood what was going on. When the camera closed up to the inside of the oven, Amanda’s tears came back, but now they weren’t as bittersweet. 


A Bundle  

Inside the oven, there was a massive bundle of cash. At that moment, she realized she wasn’t on a prank show. She immediately looked at Anna, who had a gigantic smile. She didn’t betray her after all. If anything, she had been an even better friend. 

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Anna was satisfied, her strange plan had worked, and she would be able to help her friend in ways she, alone, would’ve never been able to. Now it was time for Amanda to figure out precisely what was happening. 


“Give Back”

Anna figured out she needed support to help her friend, so she wrote to her favorite show, the KIIS 1065, where their most beloved segment was “Give Back.” People loved the wholesomeness of the presenters Jackie O and Kyle always treated their guests with. The show had been cherished by the community for many years.  

Source: KyleandJackieO/Youtube

When the hosts heard Amanda’s story, they were so moved they immediately got involved and set up a fundraiser. They spread the news to their audience, and the campaign gained a lot of momentum. People felt compelled to donate to the cause. 


The Real Picture

Amanda and Anna were mysteriously welcomed into the studio. Up to now, Amanda was just shocked; a million things were going through her head, and it was all so confusing. Events were starting to unfold in the most unsuspecting manner. It was only now that Amanda realized she was a guest for the “Give Back” segment of her local radio.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Amanda didn’t think of herself as worthy of being a guest there. She signaled Anna for an explanation. Anna smiled; her plan had worked. She was the one that had written to Jackie O and Kyle with Amanda’s story, and they took a lot of interest. Anna’s initiative made the event possible. 


Her Story

Amanda finally told her side of the story to the world. She explained to the hosts the events from the beautiful beginnings of her relationship with John, their mutual aspirations, difficulty conceiving, the excitement of buying a house, the renovations, and eventually, their downfall.

Source: mannentasch/ Facebook

The worst part was the uncertainty. She didn’t have a job, and soon, she would have another mouth to feed. The remodeling of the house was only partially finished, and so many things were left unanswered. “This wasn’t in the plan,” she repeated to her eager listeners. 


This Wasn’t In The Plan

She continued explaining her situation. She painted a picture familiar to many other women who constantly have to go through separations during their pregnancy or in the early stages of their child’s infancy, leaving them as single mothers, and the difficulty this means.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Amanda wouldn’t be able to afford to keep her house. She felt like she couldn’t even take care of herself at this point, and she doubted every decision she had taken to this point in her life. But Anna knew her friend, and she knew how resilient she could be; her vision was just blurry.


More Surprises

When Amanda finished telling her story, Jackie O and Kyle told her she wouldn’t have to worry. They figured out that by spreading the word, they could find support for Amanda’s dreadful situation. That is what community is about. So they approached businesses in the area that could help in some way or another.


The result was unprecedented. Even the hosts were shocked, they thought they would be able to get Amanda a little relief, but in reality, they did much more. Middlesex Academy of Learning, a recognized institution in town, donated $10,000 for her mortgage. With this, she would have time to find a job and not worry about the big bill. 


A Breath Of Fresh Air

Although Amanda was already shedding happy tears, there were more surprises to come. The hosts indicated the monitor, where she had previously seen the strangers in her house. She wasn’t expecting what she saw. A brand-new vacuum cleaner, provided by Scrubb Online Cleaning Services, was sitting on her corridor.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

After five weeks of being unable to get out of bed, she needed one of these, but this was only a symbol. She would keep the vacuum cleaner for life, but the company had pledged to take care of her cleaning for the next six months. This was such a blessing, given that with her newborn baby, cleaning duties would be doubled with the arrival of her newborn baby. 


An Unexpected Turn Of Events

After weeks of heavy depression, Amanda was finally able to breathe; her beautiful smile came back adorned by sobs of joy, and she couldn’t contain herself from the tide of emotions. She wondered if she was having some kind of crazy dream.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Now, she could live the beginnings of her motherhood surrounded by a support network that cared for her and wouldn’t let her down. If someone had told her what was about to happen to her, she probably wouldn’t have been able to believe it. 


Never Hungry

The camera continued through Amanda’s house and stopped in front of the fridge, when they opened it she couldn’t believe her eyes. The refrigerator was fully stocked with wonderful prepared meals. Nutrition is one of the most important factors of pregnancy and Amanda had barely eaten since her former husband abandoned her.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

She had to make up for all of those lost nutrients and Eat Fit Foods would ensure she would. For the next three months they would deliver weekly meals made with fresh and delicious ingredients. This was such a relief for Amanda. She was usually a very healthy person, especially during her pregnancy, but the last few weeks had taken a toll.  


Baby Needs, Covered

The blessings were already unbelievable, but that wasn’t the end. As the house tour continued, the camera moved to the living room, and there was an impressive treasure. A table completely covered with baby gear worth $4,000!

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

The gift included a stroller, car seat, baby monitor, and even a voucher worth $1,000 for a baby photography session. Baby Village made sure to provide the basic necessities a new mom would require. A burden had been lifted, and all of it was thanks to her friend Anna’s wit and, obviously, the KIIS radio station.


What Friends Are For

Depression can make people feel like there is nobody out there, that there is no hope. But that is not true, and someone is always willing to listen. It’s crucial to always reach out to caring people that will accept you as you are. Anna was that friend; she heard and went out and beyond to help Amanda. 

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

She reached out to her local radio but also ensured her friend was alright during her darkest hour. It wasn’t an easy task, but the results were astonishing. Local businesses and the radio helped out a mere stranger out of the kindness of their hearts. And they did so without asking for anything in return.


A Deep Sigh

Amanda thanked everyone at the radio station and hugged her friend Anna tenderly. It was a miracle, but many people worked hard to turn this miracle into a reality. After everything she had gone through, she couldn’t have imagined that an entire community would have her back. 

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

As the proverb says, it takes a village to raise a child—and this village was going to ensure Amanda and her baby’s well-being. The idea that she wouldn’t have to move house on such short notice from giving birth was an incredible relief.


Hope For The Future

At the start of her pregnancy, there was only hope and happiness, but this was stripped away by the vanishing of her husband. Five weeks had come and gone, and she had gone through the worst time of her life. But that was about to change.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Now, complete strangers had helped her get back on her feet and dry up her tears. She would finally be able to prepare for welcoming her firstborn child the way she intended to. Helping somebody in need can go a long way, and Amanda was on the receiving side. 


Kyle and Jackie O

The Kyle and Jackie O show is a highly renowned Australian radio program. It has been Sydney’s best-rated breakfast show for the past four years and has won many radio awards. Their lighthearted program has entertained Australian families for seventeen years running. 


The show has many segments and runs from 6 am to 10 am. It’s a fun and heartwarming show where they host quizzes, take calls, and play music. They’ve had many celebrity guests, including Angelina Jolie, Eva Longoria, and Oprah. The show is also featured on iHeart radio.


A Great Show

The Kyle and Jackie O Show features many regular segments that give back to the community in other ways. Besides the “Give back” segment, they also have a $10,000 Pop Quiz, where people call the show and have to answer ten questions. With every correct answer, they get $1,000. If they get all of them right, they get $10,000. What a sweet deal!

Source: Kyle and Jackie O/ Youtube

The show has an almost cult following, engaging people of all ages. And at the workplace, they’re as tight as family. On their Youtube channel and other social media, they tend to upload heartfelt and spontaneous videos portraying their life at the radio station studio.  


A Powerful Story

The duo has a reputation for calling out to the community when someone is in need. The segment “Give back” is one of the most beloved by listeners. That’s why Anna was confident her plan would work. After listening to Amanda’s story, Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O knew they had to do something. 

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

The episode where Amanda told her story became a viral hit on Youtube. It garnered over five million views and over three thousand likes since its release in 2015. “We knew we wanted to give Amanda a “Give back” that she would never forget,” they said. 


A Huge Reaction

The comments in the original social media posts are overwhelmingly filled with good wishes to Amanda and her soon-to-be-baby. During the original transmission, many people called the station to personally praise the hosts for their good deeds.  

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Many people admitted to shedding tears when hearing Amanda’s tragic story, and many others could relate to her experiences—from those abandoned by their fathers at a young age to single moms who also had to go through debt. Everyone was happy to hear a happy ending.


Happy Viewers

The video was a success, and it encouraged a lot of people to go out there and help someone in their community. Some people shared their success stories and other positive views on similar situations. Others praised Jackie O and Kyle for their good deeds.

Source: @Hillstain/

It must’ve been shocking for Amanda to learn that her sad story had become a beaming light for people around the globe. Not only was her local community aware of her circumstances, but they were sending positive messages her way.


Angry Comments 

But not all of the comments were positive. Some of them questioned John’s actions, and with good reason. We also wonder what was going through Amanda’s ex-husband’s mind when he decided he would completely abandon the plans he had carefully crafted alongside his wife. 


Many posters praised Kyle’s witty sense of humor and the way he can make people laugh even amidst a tragedy, all with touch and care. The radio hosts are experts at comedy, so they never offend their guests or their spectators on purpose, and if they ever did, they would apologize immediately.


A Little Bit Can Go A Long Way

In this fast-paced world that we live in, it’s easy to forget that other people around us are going through rough times as well.  We are all a little bit broken inside, we’ve all gone through less-than-pleasant experiences, and we’ve all needed a shoulder to cry on.


And because of this, we should be empathetic to those who need one the most. A little bit of kindness in a moment of need can do so much in the life of someone who really needs it. There is nothing like a support network where people indiscriminately back each other up. 


A Warm Welcome

Amanda wouldn’t welcome her baby as she originally intended, and she was aware that many challenges would come in this upcoming venture of motherhood. Still, she also felt a huge relief when she was made aware that friends really were angels in disguise.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

There is a famous quote that says: “There’s nothing worse than a man that can be everything to everyone, except a father to his own child,” and we are sure that John will regret his decision to leave his household the way he did. No one deserves to be left without a reasonable explanation. 



A real friend isn’t necessarily the one who invites you to dinner parties and goes shopping with you. A real friend is someone who is there for you when things get rough—when it seems like the whole world has turned its back on you. That’s when real friends shine through.

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Anna proved to be the best of friends. She was the first one in the door when Amanda was most in need. She even wrote to the Kyle and Jackie O show in the hopes of helping her friend, and not only did it work, but there was also a great response. There was hope for the immediate future. All thanks to the power of friendship. 



Without Kyle and Jackie O’s call to the community, who knows what Amanda’s situation would be now? But thankfully, they understood that a community is where we can take action to make the world a better place, one where we can all be a little kinder and a little more giving. 

Source: KyleandJackieO/ Youtube

Giving back to the community can be done in many ways, from donating money to charities, to volunteer work, even by helping out a neighbor in need. Simple actions can go a very long way, never doubt it. So far, we have survived thanks to the mutual aid we build with one another. This story is a great example. 
