People Who Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You

By: Calla Conway | Published: May 03, 2022

Not every day is a great day. Heck, not every day is even an okay day. Sometimes plans just fall apart, go astray, or end up completely bonkers. This is the nature of life and sometimes it is you who suffers at the hands of it, and sometimes it is someone else. 

What can we do but laugh? Today, the people on the other end of it are these unfortunate souls, who are definitely having a worse day than you. So if you’re a little down in the dumps today and need a pick-me-up that at least it’s not that bad, look no further. We’ve got your back. Read on to see our compiled list of people having a BAD DAY.

Came Home to Their Belongings Packed Up

According to this poor soul, they had a grueling day at work. They were unable to eat and were utterly exhausted. What do they come home to? All of their personal belongings packed up, their house ransacked.


Source: Bored Panda

What on earth? Well, apparently it was due to a big mistake. Their landlord had given the movers the wrong address, so this poor original poster got to essentially move back into their home. Not exactly the kind of thing you want to come home to after a long day at work.


A Woman’s House Burns Down While Being Flooded

 The irony is strong with this one. This poor woman’s house not only suffered in the flood, completely swamping her house, but her house also went up in flames during the natural disaster. This pretty much ensured that her house was well…toast.


Source: Bored Panda

This is a really bad day that seems like it could turn into an actual bad year. The picture was taken in Australia during a clearly intense flooding period. We hope it turned out okay for her and that home insurance was able to cover some of the damage. 

Man Versus Cactus

This is one of those photos that actually hurt to look at. Getting one needle into you is painful enough. Getting what looks like the entire cactus stuck onto your body looks like a very very bad day, and perhaps a very painful next couple of weeks.


Source: Bored Panda

It does beg the question, how did this happen? Did he fall? Even the paramedics look completely baffled, and they have seen some things. Poor fella. Picked the wrong day to go outside.

When Your Friends Ditch Your Goodbye Party

This one hurts the heart. Poor original poster. According to them, they had plans to move across the country, and were therefore throwing themselves a goodbye BBQ. It looks like they put the time into the grocery shop and then BBQ all the food for their supposed friends.


Source: Bored Panda

The bad day began when some friends called and canceled, while others just plain old didn’t show up. Hopefully this poster is able to make new and better friends wherever they are moving.

When the Sky Falls Down

According to this poster, they were getting themselves ready for bed when the ceiling of their bedroom collapsed. While on the one hand, it is extremely lucky that they were getting ready for bed and not in bed, on the other hand they now have a huge mess, a costly hole in the ceiling, and no bed to sleep in.

Source: Bored Panda

While the poster did not specify what could have caused this, our guess would be a slow leak that deteriorated the integrity of the ceiling over time. Ceilings will never look safe again!


A New Car With Some Added Detailing

This poster claims that their neighbor just bought a brand new Supra only a few weeks before. Perhaps this is why the car was the desired target in the first place. The buyer was living high with their new wheels and then BAM. 

Source: Bored Panda

Without a back story it is hard to say, but we do know that regardless of the story that lead up to this, this person is having a bad day. “Cheater” written along the side, slashed tires, all the signs of love gone horribly, awfully wrong. Who knows what is more damaged, the car, or the relationship? 


When Your Fire Alarm Catches Fire

Apparently, even machines are prone to existential crises. This fire alarm, you know the alarm system that is supposed to warn you that your house is on fire? 

Source: Bored Panda

Well, it caught on fire. We have so many questions, namely starting with: How? We also want to know (probably most of all) was the machine able to still do its job and alarm you of the fire?


Allergic to Their Own Sweat?

We have truly never heard of such a thing. How can one be allergic to their own sweat? Well, this poor unfortunate soul. Apparently, whenever they sweat, they begin to break out in large itchy hives.

Source: Bored Panda

While discovering this poster, we also became aware that people can be allergic to–get this, the wind. Yes, some people are allergic to the wind if it changes too quickly from fast and cold. Paging Bubble Boy!


A Public Scalping

This poor fella fell victim to the wind and perhaps a bad toupee job. It is a bit curious if he was able to feel the wind lightly dancing across his bald spot or not. Hopefully someone was kind enough to let him know.

Source: Bored Panda

We all have embarrassing moments, and we all have to find a way to laugh at it, even when it is as painfully embarrassing as having our toupee fly in the face of its glue and try to return back to its people.
